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Notice and News

Welcome to Department of Hydrogen Energy Materials in KIMS.
Our group focuses on the new materials and system for sustainable hydrogen energy.
We synthesize a high active non-noble metal catalysts and apply the water electrolyzer for hydrogen production.

Our current research includes the following topics :

1) Synthesis of non-noble catalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER).

2) The anion exchange membrane water electrolyzer (AEMWE).

3) The catalyst slurry for water electrolyzer & fuel cell electrode.

* 한국재료연구원 그린수소재료연구실에서는
우리의 연구에 관심있는 대학원생 (석사, 박사 또는 석-박 통합과정) 및 연구원을 모집합니다.
본 연구실에 관심 있으신 분은 연락주시기 바랍니다.


* We are currently looking for highly motivated postdoctoral fellows, graduate students (Master, Ph.D and Master-Ph.D combined)
and researcher who are interested in our research. If you interested our group, please contact to us.,

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